Saturday 23 April 2016

Back to Black

So this is my hair.
It has been every colour of the rainbow but i think now is the time to wash out my crazy, but beautiful, colours and head back to black.
My hair seriously needs a rest. From all the Hair dye it now feels like a horses' mane. :(

I think from now on, i will stick to wearing wigs or extensions if i want to add a bit of colour.
 Im nearing my 30s in a couple of years, so i need to grow up and move on from my wild days.

"R.I.P to the girl you use to see, her days are over"

And here you have it. My Back to Black locks

Wednesday 20 April 2016


*Not my actual bath but similar. Thank you Google*

Today has been a day that has left me no choice but to get that candle and shove it right on my bathroom windowsill, with a tub of relax Radox.

First i had to get myself and my toddler dressed and ready within 10 minutes as i over slept my alarm so had little time for breakfast. We had to be up for a speech and language therapy session for my toddler.
Upon coming downstairs i noticed his dad on the xbox whilst my toddler is sat playing nicely covered in chocolate from head to toe!! I gave him a scrub and grabbed a milkshake then caught a taxi and just made it. Hows that for timing.

Then after the session i had to run for my bus, drop off my toddler at home then run and jump on another bus to an ADHD parenting class so for dinner i had.....Nada, zilch, nothing :(
At the group they thought that it would be wise putting a big tub of biscuits in front of me and im thinking
 "Gosh i could just grab that tub and pour them deliscious mother fluffing biscuits right down my throat"  but that would be insane, right? It would be wrong! I've got slimming world tomorrow and im determined to scrape that 3st loss before i head to Cumbria.
I was suppose to be listening to the group leader but all i did was daydream on how many ways i could eat a biscuit.

After a 2 and a half hours drooling, the session ended and i remembered it was weekly shop day so i had to catch another 2 buses to get to Asda and spent 4 hours buying groceries.....

I did at this point manage to get some grub but it was 30min wait for food........when the cafe owner told me i said, "Look im going to be straight with you, ive had a very long and hectic day and all i see is cake on show. i need proper food which i have had zero all day. Is there anything i can just eat now?" her reply..."chips sound good?"

"Yup love, chips will do me just fine"

Ok not the healthiest of options but was no where near the enough kcal intake that my daily allowence is suppose to be.

Those chips were amazing.....

Gemma Cheetham x

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Stuck in the 90s

You could get sweets for pennies but now that you cant people just chuck them on the floor. Nothing these days gets you anything for 1p.

As a child i never had the internet or a mobile phone. Instead, i spent my days watching cartoons and actually outside playing games like kerby, ballio, rounders.
"Ballio Ballio 
who has got the Ballio,
Is she fat or is she thin 
Or is she like a rolling pin"

I made dance moves up to the latest spice girl pop hit, wearing my tracksuit and ponytail because i was always sporty spice. 

My Disney denim jacket was the shiz, 
along with my ellesse trainers

"If only i could turn back time"

Sunday 17 April 2016

New Blog Dream Journal

Well the clue is in the title really....

I've started a new Blog called Dream-scape.

It is basically a dream diary...... of my dreams but i then decipher them.

Not many people are able to remember what they dreamt but i am one of the lucky few.
I wake in middle of R.E.M and because i keep pen and paper to hand, next to my bed, i quickly jot down what had just happened in my dream. Then later that day i completely forget what i had dreamt...until i reach for that paper then recall what had happened the night before, what feelings i had felt etc. Then it all makes sense. The colours, facial expressions, emotions, movements etc.

For example: When i am sad (or had an emotional day) i tend to hold it all in. Then when i sleep i start dreaming of dark murky water waves and thunder clouds the colour or grey and purple with lighhtning for anger.
Or another example is my happy dreams: Im either ice skating or singing and im always thin and sound or skate amazing.

Please have a read of my Dreamscape blog. I will try to update daily. Some of them are very strange and that is because i am a very troubled and emotional person.

Gemma Cheetham x

Friday 15 April 2016

Long Time No See

So I have been away from my blog for quite some time.

I decided i need to change myself for the better. So far I have lost 2 Stone and the lightest i have been in 8 years and i feel absolutely amazing.
I have dropped 2 dress sizes and also dropped 10 places on the BMI scale.

Ive also set up a sideline business, selling Handmade Jewellery and stuff that i no longer have any use of.   

Sunday 2 August 2015

Alice in wonderland Experience goes to Cannon Hall Museum!!!

The Alice in Wonderland Experience arrives on Sunday, 9 August.

To celebrate the 150th anniversary of Lewis Caroll’s classic tale, you can see the story come to life across nine stages in the magical surroundings of the hall’s park and gardens. 


***** "All the actors on the tour were great and stayed in character even when you looked back along the trail. Very professional. Kept our 2 year old engaged throughout the hours' walk."

***** "Amazing, great fun for all the family."

***** "Weather was dismal but the high spirits in the actors made the day enjoyable. Brilliant, i will be booking again"



The interactive show will lead you on an exciting trail through the woods and walled gardens, where they will be surprised at every turn. 

Performers will invite you to take a trip down the rabbit hole or drink the magical shrinking potion. Take a seat at the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party and challenge the life sized chess pieces to a real life game.

The interactive tours will be held at regular intervals from 2pm until 7pm and tickets are available to buy from the Barnsley Museums online shop:

Monday 20 July 2015

What a difference a couple of years makes

So i was cleaning out my External Hardrive when i found an old pic from 3 years ago and compared it to now.


I no im still not stick figure slim but i think my 4 stone loss is a massive achievement for me. 
What makes it so unique? 
 I have an underactive thyroid
I was fat not because of my thyroid but because i shoveled takeaways daily into my mouth as well as chocolates, crisps and cream cakes. Im not saying that all hypo patients use there thyroid condition as an excuse, i write this blog to spread hope and show weight loss can be done.

So for all you people who have underactive thyroids, yes the road is tough believe me but weight loss IS achievable.
It isn't impossible it is just really really hard and takes tonnes of willpower. 
 Slow and steady wins the race. 
I couldnt have done this withought My Fitness Pal

    This is a calorie and excersise app which keeps a diary of what you have and do each day. I needed to feel controlled and this, counting my calories, was hard but it basically did the work for me.