Sunday 17 April 2016

New Blog Dream Journal

Well the clue is in the title really....

I've started a new Blog called Dream-scape.

It is basically a dream diary...... of my dreams but i then decipher them.

Not many people are able to remember what they dreamt but i am one of the lucky few.
I wake in middle of R.E.M and because i keep pen and paper to hand, next to my bed, i quickly jot down what had just happened in my dream. Then later that day i completely forget what i had dreamt...until i reach for that paper then recall what had happened the night before, what feelings i had felt etc. Then it all makes sense. The colours, facial expressions, emotions, movements etc.

For example: When i am sad (or had an emotional day) i tend to hold it all in. Then when i sleep i start dreaming of dark murky water waves and thunder clouds the colour or grey and purple with lighhtning for anger.
Or another example is my happy dreams: Im either ice skating or singing and im always thin and sound or skate amazing.

Please have a read of my Dreamscape blog. I will try to update daily. Some of them are very strange and that is because i am a very troubled and emotional person.

Gemma Cheetham x

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