Monday, 13 July 2015

Summer Solstice performance

What a FANTASTIC turnout it was.
The weather was amazing too
We did a solstice festival up at aston springs farm in sheffield and performed in a stonehenge type setting. 
I will not go on and on but here are a few pics and vids to give you a taster of what you missed.
If you would like to come to our future performances then bookmark our webpage to view whats coming soon!!!

 Benjamin Collins Rehearsing his own music to perform at the solstice.
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 Amy Bradshaw warming up her vocals >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>

Gemma Cheetham singing a cover  to Paranoid by Hellsong
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Amy and Benjamin Singing a cover to Black Roses to entertain the crowd
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Benjamin jamming his own acoustic instrumental
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Rouske playing her ukulele and singing her cover to "Hey,Ho"
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 These videos are a few snippets from our performances 


Hope to see you at our upcoming shows

Keep checking our website to see if we are coming to perform at a venue near you


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