Sunday 24 May 2015

Singing Paranoid - Hellsong cover version

Although you cannot see my face i have mearly recorded my voice for a trial run for rehearsals of the Summer Solistice event at Aston Springs Farm on the 21st of June. 
The video is me singing Paranoid which is a song origanally by black sabbath but im singing the hellsong cover version.
enjoy :-)

Friday 15 May 2015

*SPOILER ALERT* Grimm series 4

what did i just witness. I'm actually really impressed with Grimm at the moment.
each series the show seems to lead down a darker path, exceeding new boundaries with its additively witty story lines.

so we are near the end of series 4 and what a cliffhanger episode 21 is!!!!

Nick grimshore's head in a box????  

For some insane reason i can't help but feel that juliet is going to get her commupance for the evil act. But also i cant help but feel that maybe its not his mum but a good look a like decoy and maybe his mother is still out there......

Tuesday 12 May 2015


So what defines a gamer?

There was a post yesterday on the Gamers community on google + that really ticked me off.
The headline says "who says there are no gamer chix"

To me a gamer is someone (REGARDLESS OF GENDER) who just plays games whatever platform the games are on. Whether it be on an android, an apple, a tablet, a pc, a console, a game is a game and if you play it then your a gamer. 

I love to play games. I play them via any technology immaginable, i may not play them for 6+ hours on end like a lot of gamers do, but when im not busy working and taking care of my disabled child and his baby brother there is nothing more relaxing to me then listening to music and playing a good old round of skyrim or assassins creed or castlevania (my favorates to play on) the lists are endless. Im also a big fan of the lego games because im a massive kid at heart and i love to co-op with my child on them :)

Please please please can people stop judging gamers with gender, if you play games via technology your a gamer!

Sunday 10 May 2015

Alice Experience

So if you have ever fancied a snippet video of our Alice in Wonderland Trail, i now have a short movie montage .

As you bloggers will no im a tweedle :-D  

If by any chance you live in sheffield, and would like to join the company who brought this superb production please visit and use the contact info to enquire.


Friday 8 May 2015

Galavant :-O RENEWED!!!!

Ok so i think i may have just pee'd myself a little

I absolutly love galavant. I dont no what drives me crazy about this show, maybe its the time period and all the singing but im so excited that it has been renewed for a second series.
To celebrate here is my favorate scene of the whole series:

"She'll be mine" cast of Galavant

Thursday 7 May 2015

New Hair New Me??

So today i popped into my local hairdresses

And i just couldn't make up my mind on what to do with myself.
For my last cut i had to go plain natural hair because of the part i was playing and my tweedle twin didnt have wacky hair like myself.

soooooooooo here are my  before and after shots



Big changes are on the horizon. i wonder if next time i will go blue .........

Saturday 2 May 2015

So today was the first official day of the Alice in Wonderland Trail and it went fantasticly.
People turned up for every performance so managed to fully book each of todays viewings. Wish the weather would have been better though, typical british weather, rainy and cold with a terrible bitter wind.
On the plus side the press was there from the local Star newspapers and also someone from the Lewis Carrol foundation.
Brilliant Feedback and a fantastic audience. 
Not to mention all the casts outstanding performances despite the poor weather conditions we all did brilliantly. 

   Roll on tomorrows show then on to the next one.....

Midsummer nights trail :-D

Friday 1 May 2015

Tenascious D classico :-D

So my youngest has this baby einstein thingy maboby toy
and it plays loads of classical tunes, but my problem is when it gets to this certain one i cant help but start to sing Tenascious D's Classico just because its flimming AmAzInG!!!!!!


Can't you see he's the man, let me hear you applaud
he is more than a man he's a shiny golden god.

If you think it's time to f****** rock, and f****** roll, out of control,
well then you know you got to rock the block,
and f****** suck my f****** c***,
'cause when you rule, you f****** school all of the fools, out of their jewels,
'cause if you think it's time,
if you think it's time,
if you think it's time to f****** rock.

He is going to kick your f****** ass,
and you know his name is Kyle Gass,
rocking and f******* rolling,
and f****** rocking,
and f******* rolling,
and f****** [vocal solo]... 
Go on and sing along :-D