Thursday 30 April 2015

Final fantasy xiv realm reborn

:-(  so i downloaded this on my laptop the other day and i absolutly love the fact i could give my character a perfect free boob job and a dashing smile, but the lag is REALLY bad.

My laptop is 4gb ram and 1tb hard drive and
im not sure whether it because i need a higher speed ram or if it just the server. As much as i would love to play this i think im just going to have to give this a pass and wait for FFXV on the xbox one.


Wednesday 29 April 2015

Duchess has arrived

So my costume came today for the second alice in wonderland production im in. Im playing the Duchess and singing "hit me with your best shot" to the cook. I will at somepoint upload me singing it but first i need to soundproof my house and make sure that its already raing before i get blamed for the weather hehe

Here is the costume eeeeek getting excited now, the time is almost upon us!!

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Saying goodbye to a mans best friend......

This is our family dog Amber. 
After 18 long years the day has finally come for us to say our goodbyes. Amber was a lovely loyal companion and kept my mum safe from harms way. Im devastated to say the least and i really feel for my mum at this moment in time. Going to be lonely without her loyal faithful companion. 

Your at peace now Amber. We love you always. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Monday 27 April 2015

So today i've decided to start playing child of light on the Xbox One.
Really good, i think the storyline is predictable but all in all good.
Graphics are ok for a 2d game.

I wish the xbox one would release more of the 360 games on marketplace though as im getting bored of swapping from one console to another. Get your ass into gear xbox and make the xbox one backwards compatible!!

Sunday 26 April 2015

So today is lovely and shiny but expect torrential down pours here in britain later, as today is singing day again at our drama group. 
I hope i get to kill everyone with my supersonic vocal chord power today, so that they can escape the pain of having to listen to me, because my singing has become dreadful alately but the show must go on.
 I wish you all a happy and joyish day wherever you maybe and i count down my hours till im back at home on my xbox :-D

Friday 24 April 2015

Costume ideas

So im stuck on costume ideas for the second alice in wonderland play that im in. This time i play the duchess and i have to sing "hit me with your best shot. Either one will probably be ok, i am swaying more towards the purple one at the moment but i am top heavy and terrified my boobs are going to try and escape on performance night.

descisions descisions!!

Working on the Alice in Wonderland farm trail

Us tweedles were able to snap a pic with a couple of fans who were able to watch our rehearsal.
All in all a very productive day and cannot wait to perform infront of everybody next week.

Such a beautiful farm and a lovely day out,ive attached a link to their web page incase anybody fancys a visit. The wolves were by far my favorate things to see!

gemma x